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Against All Odds钢琴谱-Phil Collins

钢琴谱 2022-02-26 16:44:25 46 音乐室

Against All Odds-似是故人来 主题曲-Phil Collins五线谱预览1

Against All Odds-似是故人来 主题曲-Phil Collins五线谱预览2

Against All Odds-似是故人来 主题曲-Phil Collins五线谱预览3

Against All Odds-似是故人来 主题曲-Phil Collins五线谱预览4

Against All Odds-似是故人来 主题曲-Phil Collins五线谱预览5

Against All Odds-似是故人来 主题曲-Phil Collins五线谱预览6

Against All Odds-似是故人来 主题曲-Phil Collins五线谱预览7

Against All Odds-似是故人来 主题曲-Phil Collins五线谱预览8


另外,Against All Odds(如此艰难)这是作者菲尔•柯林斯(Phil Collins)自写、自唱、自己打鼓的歌曲,在美国连续三周占据排行榜冠军。这首歌曲之所以成为情歌中的经曲,精彩的并不是它的歌词,而是它抑扬顿挫、感天动地的旋律和演唱。钢琴和吉他勾勒了演唱主线的粗线条,而键琴则铺垫了厚重而深沉的氛围,尤其在歌曲结束处,菲尔•柯林斯缠绵执著的演唱,伴随着有力的鼓点,实在让人动容。

歌词下方是Against All Odds钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Against All Odds歌词:

How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace

When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh

Youre the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me,

when all I can do is watch you leave

Cos weve shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears

Youre the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now, oh theres just an empty space

And theres nothing left here to remind me,

just the memory of your face

Ooh take a look at me now, well theres just an empty space

And you coming back to me is against all odds and thats what Ive got to face

I wish I could just make you turn around,

turn around and see me cry

Theres so much I need to say to you,

so many reasons why

Youre the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now, well theres just an empty space

And theres nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face

Now take a look at me now, cos theres just an empty space

But to wait for you, is all I can do and thats what Ive got to face

Take a good look at me now, cos Ill still be standing here

And you coming back to me is against all odds

Its the chance Ive gotta take

Take a look at me now

标签:Phil Collins Against All Odds

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