2023-08-05 17:26:28 412603
Play是由挪威DJ、音乐制作人Alan Walker、K-391、Martin Tungevaag和DJ Mangoo合作的歌曲,单曲于2019年8月30日通过LIQUID STATE LIMITED发行。
歌曲采样于由瑞典制作人Mangoo创作并火爆全球的原曲 “Eurodancer”。原曲于2000年推出时,在各大音乐节及派对上掀起强劲热潮,现仍在众多场合广泛播放。如今三大制作人将该曲重新改编,融合了多元的风格:faded的变奏,ignite标志的beat,wicked wonderland的drum以及《Eurodancer》本身的特色。空灵空灵而轻快的lead为电音添加了几分神秘,柔和不失爆点的vocal为电音锦上添花,复合的drum将间奏点缀的淋漓尽致,后半部分若隐若现的人声及递进的lead再次推向高潮,最后戛然而止,神秘世界大门就此关上。本单制作精良,别出心裁,制作毫不拖泥带水,又融合了多种风格。相信这一单会有上佳的表现。
同时,网站还为大家提供了《On My Way-简单版》的曲谱下载
We used to hide under the covers
Serenade each other with careless melodies
Something buried deep inside us
The major and the minor
Were like piano keys
You played for me
You played for me
You played for me
I swear it
Even in my sleep I hear it
Like the memory of every thing we used to be
You played for me
You played for me
You played for me
We couldnt stop the world from turning
It was like a whirlwind
Scattered us like leaves
But Im stuck inside a feeling
The song that never leaves
We were like a symphony
You played for me
You played for me
You played for me
I swear it
Even in my sleep I hear it
Like the memory of every thing we used to be
You played for me
You played for me
You played for me
You and me
You and me me
You and me me
You and me
You and me me
You and me
You played for me
I swear it
Even in my sleep I hear it
Like the memory of every thing we used to be
You played for me
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