2023-08-05 17:26:28 412501
是荷兰乐队Ten Sharp所演唱的一首经典歌曲,收录在其专辑Under the Water-Line中。该组合由Marcel Kapteijn以及Niels Hermes组成。
而You这首歌曲由Ton Groen作词,Niels Hermes作曲。一经发行就获得了巨大的成功。在挪威,荣登榜首,并且在排行榜中保持在前10之前16周之久。在瑞典以及法国,此单曲也位居第一两周之久。
Its all right with me
as long as you
are by my side
Talk or just say nothing
I dont mind your looks never lie
I was always on the run
finding out what I was looking for
And I was always insecure
just until I found
Words often dont come easy
I never learned
to show you the inside of me
I know my baby
You were always patient
dragging out what I try to hide
I was always on the run
finding out what I was looking for
and I was always insecure
until I found
You, you were always on my mind
you, youre the one Ive been living for
you, youre my everlasting fire
youre my always shining star
The nights always a good friend
a glass of wine, and the lights are low
you lying beside me, me full of love
and filled with hope....
《画你》文本歌词 陈宝成词 朝古拉曲 甜妹紫烟演唱 Music… 1. 把你的倩影画在家乡的山顶, 甜蜜的笑容定格在我心里, 深情的歌声描绘你的美丽, 只......
2022-10-21 08:13:28 124748
《圣诞快乐劳伦斯先生》,英文《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》,是坂本龙一为大岛渚的同名电影谱写的,是他电影配乐的处女作,也是......
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