2023-08-05 17:26:28 412696
Scream是Sergey Lazarev演唱的歌曲,且代表俄罗斯参加2019年欧洲歌唱大赛,在中决赛中名列第三。Sergey Lazarev是俄罗斯当红偶像实力歌手,舞蹈家和演员,他集作曲和演唱于一身,是SMASH!!(俄罗斯流行组合,已于2007年正式解散)成员之一,也是俄罗斯流行乐坛最炙手可热的男歌手之一 。
同时,网站还为大家提供了《You Are The Only One》的曲谱下载
No I cant stay here longer
You cannot make me cry
So I will leave you to wonder
What will become of our lives
Ill swallow hard fall apart
Break and bleed but you wont see
Tears wont fall
While pride stands tall
Maybe they cant be heard or seen
But tears arent quiet things
They scream
They scream
They scream
Though my throat is on fire
My eyes will be liars
And theyll try to stay drier
Until you turn away
Ill swallow hard fall apart
Break and bleed but you wont see
Tears will fall I hear them all
They scream
Scream they scream
They scream oh oh
Not so silent and innocent
Acid rain from your fingerprints
Echoes rivers of loneliness
Hitting the walls of my heart
They scream
Not so silent and innocent
Acid rain from your fingerprints
They scream
Echoes rivers of loneliness
Hitting the walls of my heart
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