2023-08-05 17:26:28 411812
Scars是英国创作型男歌手Sam Smith演唱歌曲。Sam自2013年出道以来,凭借精湛出众的能力和个性独特的曲风迅速成为英国歌坛一颗迅速上升的新星,每一次的获奖也是对他的一次肯定;动听的旋律、真诚的歌词和骚灵复古的嗓音,他能借题展开艺术创作,作品叫好又叫座,艺术之上还带着点社会关怀。
This is for my mother from the older brother of your children made of three
Now you found your lover
Cause it wasnt our father who made you laugh and happy
Its been a long five years
Ive cried a thousand tears and here we are after the war
But were so much better now the skies are clearer
Now theres no more slamming doors
Now I say
Dear mother how youve come so far
Your love has fixed all of our broken hearts
I hope youre proud mother of what youve done
Its a lifelong lesson and Im not pretending when I say
You cleared up my scars
You cleared up my scars
This is for my father from the older brother of your children made of three
Yeah youve been so good to us and showed us how to live
And taught us to be free
But when mother told you
That she didnt love you all these bridges hit the sea
So you built another one and helped us cross it
Even though you were in need
Now I say
Dear father how youve come so far
Your love has fixed all of our broken hearts
I hope youre proud father of what youve done
Its a lifelong lesson and Im not pretending when I say
You cleared up my scars
You cleared up my scars
You cleared up my scars
You cleared up my scars
Dear mother how youve come so far
Your love has fixed all of our broken hearts
I hope youre proud mother of what youve done
Its a lifelong lesson and Im not pretending when I say
You cleared up my scars
《画你》文本歌词 陈宝成词 朝古拉曲 甜妹紫烟演唱 Music… 1. 把你的倩影画在家乡的山顶, 甜蜜的笑容定格在我心里, 深情的歌声描绘你的美丽, 只......
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