2023-08-05 17:26:28 412638
Even the stars and the moon
Dont shine quite like we do
Dreamers searchin for the truth
Go on, read about us in the news
Pretty reckless, pretty wild
Talking shit and well just smile
Dont you see these fuckin crowns?
If you know what I mean, you on the team
This is a hymn for the hymnless, kids with no religion
Yeah, we keep on sinning, yeah, we keep on singing
Flying down the highway, backseat of the Hyundai
Pull it to the front, let it run, we dont valet
Sorry if youre starstruck, blame it on the stardust
I know that Im perfect, even though Im fucked up
Hymn for the hymnless, dont need no forgiveness
Cause if theres a heaven, dont care if we get in
This is a hymn, hymn, hymn for how we live, live, live
This is a hymn, hymn, hymn for how we live, for how we live
After all weve been through
No, we wont stand and salute
So we just ride, we just cruise
Livin like theres nothing left to lose
If we die before we wake
Who we are is no mistake
This is just the way were made
You know what I mean, you on the team
This is a hymn for the hymnless, kids with no religion
Yeah, we keep on sinning, yeah, we keep on singing
Flying down the highway, backseat of the Hyundai
Pull it to the front, let it run, we dont valet
Sorry if youre starstruck, blame it on the stardust
I know that Im perfect, even though Im fucked up
Hymn for the hymnless, dont need no forgiveness
Cause if theres a heaven, dont care if we get in
This is a hymn, hymn, hymn for how we live, live, live
This is a hymn, hymn, hymn for how we live, for how we live
This is a hymn for the hymnless, kids with no religion
Yeah, we keep on sinning, yeah, we keep on singing
Flying down the highway, yeah, we do it our way
High as outer space, we dont hear what the rest say
Sorry if youre starstruck, blame it on the stardust
I know that Im perfect, even though Im fucked up
Hymn for the hymnless, dont need no forgiveness
Cause if theres a heaven, dont care if we get in
This is a hymn, hymn, hymn for how we live, live, live
This is a hymn, hymn, hymn for how we live, for how we live
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