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Dreaming of You钢琴谱-Selena

钢琴谱 2022-02-26 16:50:28 65 音乐室

Dreaming of You-Selena五线谱预览1

Dreaming of You-Selena五线谱预览2

Dreaming of You-Selena五线谱预览3

Dreaming of You-Selena五线谱预览4

Dreaming of You-Selena五线谱预览5

Dreaming of You-Selena五线谱预览6

是美国歌手Selena第五张录音室专辑中的一首歌曲,该专辑即为Dreaming of You。Selena的遗作,在其去世三个月后发表,取得巨大的成功。一向苛刻的AMG也为这张专辑打出了满分。

Selena 在整个拉丁乐坛获得广泛的认可,她的音乐跨跃了文化的界限,深受青年和老年人的喜爱。她同时也是一位性感舞台表演者,常被称为拉丁的“麦当娜”。Selena除了她的歌唱事业以为还经常参加一些反毒品和宣传人们对艾滋病的认识等活动。

歌词下方是Dreaming of You钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Dreaming of You歌词:

Late at night when all the world is sleeping

(夜幕降临 整个世界也已沉睡)

I stay up late and think of you


and I wish on a star

That somewhere you are thinking of me too

(多么希望在星星的某个地方 你也在想我)

Cause Im dreaming of you tonight


Til tomorrow Ill be holding you tight


And theres nowhere in the world Id rather be

Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

(我不愿去世界的任何地方 我只想在我的房中梦到我们在一起)

Wonder if you ever see me


and I wonder if you know Im there (Am I there)

(是否知道我在等你) 我真的一直都在等你

If you looked in my eyes would you see whats inside

(看着我的眼睛 你将明白我的内心)

Would you even care


I just wanna hold you close but so far

(我只想紧拥着你 但我们相隔遥远)

All I have are dreams of you


So I wait for the day and the courage to say

(所以我等着那天的到来 然后鼓起勇气告诉你)

How much I love you (Yes Ill do)


Ill be dreaming of you tonight


Til tomorrow Ill be holding you tight


And theres nowhere in the world Id rather be

Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

(我不愿去世界的任何地方 我只想在此刻的房中梦到我们在一起)


I cant stop dreaming of you


I cant stop dreaming


I cant stop dreaming of you


Late at night when all the world is sleeping

(当夜幕降临 整个世界沉睡时)

I stay up and think of you


And I still cant believe


That you came up to me and said


I love you


I love you too


Now Im dreaming with you tonight


Til tomorrow and for all of my life

(直到明天 直到永远)

And theres nowhere in the world ld rather be

Than here in my room dreaming with you endlessly...

With you tonight

(我不愿去世界的任何地方 我只想在我的房中和你一起做梦)



标签:Selena Dreaming of You

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